
What do
you get when you mix one part
Diablo, one part Baldur's
Gate, two parts originality,
and cook it all in a toasty
historical bun? The answer
is Object Software's latest
offering, Prince of Qin. |
This is
a game which combines the
elements of Diablo II and
Throne of Darkness. At first
blush, the beta seems little
more than a hack-n-slash trip
through the medieval world
of feudal China. But when
you really get into the game,
it presents all the challenge
and joy of a slug-fest, the
strategic models of the best
of the genre. |
inclusion of the Five Elements
and creation of unique weaponry
helps to give this title a
good and unique look that
will help it stand out in
a genre that is filled with
clones; also, the ancient
Chinese motif is interesting
for players attracted to this
period in history. For players
who have a passion for things
Chinese, ancient or otherwise,
this title may be worth a
good look. |
One of the most interesting
features of Dragon Throne
should be its profession transference
system, also known as military
farming, based on real Chinese
practices during the period.
This system will let you cross-train
your citizens as both laborers
and soldiers¡These warrior-peasants
will have the added benefit
of being able to defend themselves
moderately well while farming,
thanks to their days of military
training. |
Battle of Red Cliffs¡takes
snippets of actual events
of Chinese history, then challenges
players to meet the same obstacles
and attempt to achieve the
same goals as the historical
figures depicted in this game.
Comments on "Fate of
the Dragon"
Let's be honest. There are
a lot of RTSs out there. Probably
too many. And I'm even a pretty
big fan of the genre. But
every now and again, something
that one of these games does
really catches my fancy and
keeps me looking forward to
getting another chance at
playing the game. Those games
are few and far between, but
Fate of the Dragon, once called
Three Kingdoms, looks like
it might be one of them¡ |

The game offers you many opponents
such as Bandits, Rebel Troops,
Assassins, wandering Warriors,
the Hun soldiers\generals\wizards,
and the Qin soldiers\generals\wizards,
Beasts, Ancient Monsters and
all the Bosses in each mission.
The player will be challenged
hard by their varied skills,
the changes in their activities
and their co-operation among
different troops. |
"A great deal of strategy
has been incorporated into
the combat system so that
players will be encouraged
to use their mind more often
together with their swift
hands. So after each success,
they will get a stronger feeling
of accomplishment." |
Dragon Throne is an RTS game
with very strong RPG elements
and lots of interesting features,
like the Multi-scenario system
and the Profession-transference
system, the latter of which
actually existed at the time
and was called "Military
Farming". These features
make Dragon Throne a "different"
RTS game. |
We have doubled the number
of different types of soldiers,
added one more type of hero,
and changed the number of
hero skills from 11 to 50.
There are also lots of changes
in artwork and gameplay¡
I think the game system of
Fate of the Dragon is pretty
solid and flexible. What we
have tried to achieve in Dragon
Throne are well-designed storylike
missions to attract the player
to keep on playing the game... |
PC Gamer - Overseas Press
Strategy Player gets a touch
of the Orient, talking to
Persy Zhang from Overmax Studio,
China's biggest developer
and creators of EIDOS' forthcoming
historical real-time strategy
epic, Three Kingdoms: Fate
of the Dragon¡ |
PC Gamer - First look for
'Fate of Dragon'
Er¡gunpowder, clocks, earthquake
detectors, kites, very long
walls¡ and now Three Kingdoms:
Fate of the Dragon. Well,
actually it's not here quite
yet-but Beijing developer
Overmax Studio is working
hard to get it to us for early
next year. And we've got every
reason to get excited about
it. When Shogun: Total War
was (finally) released, it
benefited massively from the
novelty of dipping a big spoon
into the pot of real-time

Imitation is historically
known as the highest form
of flattery. If this is indeed
the case, then the folks at
Blizzard Entertainment must
be thrilled to the point of
embarrassment. After facing
dozens of would-be suitors
to their WarCraft, StarCraft
and Diablo franchises, the
world famous developer has
continually proven that they
are the only ones who can
top themselves. Sooner or
later, however someone else
is bound to get the formula
right... |